HUGE SUCCESS!  Once again we had a fantastic time with more participants than ever. Plan to come out next year. Dates are likely to be   April 4th to the 13, 2025

COME PREPARED- The can be a lot of fresh snow and you want to get after it but please stay Avalanche aware. Be prepared with Avalanche beacon, shovel and probe when in avalanche prone terrain.

WHERE- Remote location- at the top of the pass, Valdez is a 30min drive. Plan on staying in RV/Car, Camping, Hotel in Valdez, or staying locally.  There is a Treehouse not far away and other more local accomdations.  Showers and Laundry Mat in Valdez

PARTY- Saturday April 13th at festival parking area. Raffle, Bonfire, Beverages, Band

SNOWKITE RACES- 1. Local course race around flags using moderate uphill terrain. 2. Big Mountain course race around flags in steep and challenging terrain. 3. All Participant poker run. 5 Card Draw.  Prizes to top hands.